Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What do you call these?

Scene 1 : You and your music coasting along in the mad, rush hour, human compression machine that is a Mumbai suburban train and a lady in her mid forties gets up and offers you her seat.
Is she your buddy?
Is she itching to get shoved around in the crowd?
Is the seat about to split into two and she doesn't want to provide entertainment to some seriously hassled women packed into the compartment?
None of the above.

Scene 2:You have a life or death deadline the next day, you're still in office at 11:30 P.M. and your colleague who has nothing to do with the project sits up with you helping you every step of the way.
Does he not have a life?
Does he have a crush on you?
Does he actually ENJOY this stuff?
None of the above.

Scene 3: Your car is hit by a biker who's flown out of his bike and crashlanded on his side on the middle of the national highway. Out of nowhere a stranger pulls up next to you, comes up protects you from the mob that's gathered around the scene, takes the injured guy to the hospital, offers you some good practical advice and vanishes once you've come out of shock.
Was this his idea of fun?
Was he expecting some reward out of the whole thing?
Was he practicing for when he'd have to don little red chaddis over his pants, put on a cape and swoop in to rescue other damsels in distress?
I strongly doubt that.

Each one of the scenarios above is as random as it is true. What makes people do these little acts of kindness that touch our lives forever?

And why do we let them simply disintegrate into meaningless alphabets on this giant Scrabble board that we are all endlessly trying to piece together for ourselves?

The more I think about these people and what they stand for, the more I'm convinced that these are the friends that God sends along when your real friends are not around to look out for you.

With that new lens colouring my vision, as I look back over the years, I discover a brand new meaning to 'Happy Friendship Day'. Thank you friends.

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